April 9, 2019

post Edwardian ............................................................................... #NaPoWriMo2019 #GloPoWriMo2019

and then poem says go f*ck thyself, take me as you want to 
perspective is my dying lens to this world you've 
already given short shrift to and having you already stating 
you do not particularly care for its rise from chattel demise 
all I need is to reprise your memory with this recording 
of staccato arrested development 

but your lapel flower poison ring 
your petal mod squad singing angels, 
they change me 
my mood glow sows watt content 
eyes can be bent 
bought then sought for 
scent, bone ground dust 
the wind is always full 
ghosts, chalk lines, tears, 
laughter and a revere of rain 

and then you so aptly throw 
gull-ed divinity my way 
have you gotten 
passed rotten 
have you been 
deep breathing yet 
I haven't either 
Winter is one 
long overnight later here
where wear is weary me
and the stars scratch gold flecks 
across the long nights 
in my eyes too 
where wear portal gains 
what used to be 
the glory of early Spring 
an open window 
and birdsong 
spilling back in 


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