April 8, 2019

light reading material aka cloud seeding the indicators ............................................................................................. #NaPoWriMo2019 #GloPoWriMo2019

Illustration by Boris Diodorov 

we made what was considered 
a risky proposition at the time 
our souls for immortality 
the thinking was that 
we could shepherd the fraility 
of our bones and flesh humanity 

every community that arose 
usually near where rivers flowed 
from ancient mountains 
still standing 
after the awakenings 
of cataclysm and cull 
these river towns 
full of thieves 
and thistle gardens 
had a stick-to-it-ive-ness 
to ways we work and play 
to ways we produce Life 
as music and art 
to the self, that 
without which 
infinity granted 
another hell 

she had a bed chamber feather routine 
witch was one part poutine 
one part fondled memories 
and one part arrest 
where fingers, lip and tongues 
run off to when 
wanting to be 
articulate limbs 
ambulated soul 
keep on moving 
rain and tide 
mother may I 
basket myself again 
where the milk runs 
sweet water a 

it begins with stories 
to children 
and the falling asleep 
the dream realms 
are carriages 
of contracts 
for the spirit 
to remain 
whilst soul-less 

a blessed guess 
would be 
looking glass 
getting past 
facts as faces 
facets of what is 
getting bloody 
letting ourselves 
into why tomes 
are bones 
the poems find 
for soul to remember 
why it is this way 
we came to know 
joy too stops time 
without bargaining away 
another part 
of our soul today 
we die to live 
we live to die 
matters not 
slothful or spry 
without Love 
there is only 


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