April 7, 2019

amphion and niobe ..................................................................................... #NaPoWriMo2019 #GloPoWriMo2019

Apollo Destroying the Children of Niobe - Richard Wilson, R. A. 

disrobe me, see 
we lamping on 
the long views 
we gathered round barrel fires 
those first few Winters 
after the plague masses 
of the third temple conversion event 
wiped out most semblances 
of what society used to be 

we were one of many organelles 
bells and tells 
humanity's tenacity 
to cling to what holds us here 

multi-dimension-ists sow blood in the rain  
trying to harvest hunger 
as the Earth turns 
towards morning 
after surviving 
scavenger night 
seas of endless mouths 
seize the dark in us 
that was never meant to be sated 
let alone given 
a pedestal 
and store front picture window show 
the mannequins 
in suggestive poses 
clothed in what undoes 

there is a sign 
on the doorway 
leading to the well 
it says 
" remember 
as I rise 
a story to tell 
each day 
mustering courage 
enough to brave Love enough 
coding ourselves 
into the wind 
selling nothing and 
alluding to everything 
singing songs 
or little pieces of them 
reminding ourselves 
of place and palace 
of art 
and expression "

this memory 
of the play Annie 
plays on 
in the flickering light 
of my once right mind 
but all I see now are 
bodies without souls and 
minds harnessed away from joy 
still, I rise Maya 
as there is
as I remind myself 
which stayed behind 
to comfort Pandora 
when all else seemed lost 


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