April 18, 2014

NaPoWriMo 2014 #16

art by Marjory Woodbury, circa 1922

goddess librarian stockings, moorings, slip and away…

her minion uteruses
wanted equal footing
the PSA seemed to say

the background tv land
is a fuzzy noise
some kind of corner
stoned mason jar
catalogued and stored
here barker
cornered fare
I was
a ware

she arranged the table
in cartography tricks
ease pulse dynamics
of finger strengths
and trigger pulled quicks

she felt me
she said
when I knelt
being dealt
the cards
I remembered
having faces
I already knew

buy bide imbibe
seek tribal impunity
become estranged
from kindness
be willing to pay
for ignorance
use books
as doorstops

and remember
to tell me
to tell you to
turn off the lights
turn up the heat and
dream in oscillations 
between the roots
of your madness and me

stop for a bit
just to smile 
ask me
if I ever noticed
how many ways there were
to read each part
of the dark inside us

how each tactile bloom
is a sound
a language
time wants
to count with

you said
stop talking
we both agreed
eyes were why
we crawled thirsty
dance tonguing knowledge
spun bowsprit to rain
why we trusted scent
when we had empty pockets
old shoes and a few books
tucked under our arms
we hadn't yet read


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