January 24, 2012

poem 25 of a poem a day for 2012 ( a poem for the Goddess )

Hope's deviant standardization of metal Pandora and my carbon organics

every membrane of mine seems thin tonight
every curved blade of her curiosity fits my skin just right
every puncture wound sings her pulsed ballad secretions
and all I want are the ramparts of her poetic accretions
or at least that trailing scent of her clever desire
her lips,tongue and limbs are vines curl-climbing like fire
could she be my whispered-nail-dug-clenched-sheet scream
could she be the faint strength of linger that's planted in my dreams
can she find me burrowed in her kept busomed nights
changing gold to lead again to steal for her the lights
that cascade what rains when we bless ourselves
to dare the dust that covers anything forgotten on shelves
to bare need in order to bleed and cup-hand her pool
with knees falling,mud-crawling as her lover and her fool

EJR (c)

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