April 23, 2021

to like to fall down is to love how you rise......... #NaPoWriMo Day 23

if it happens
 in funny ways 
i linger, after the splat 
for a moment or two 
i can feel if am bleeding 
and where 

are we poems 
of consciousness collected 
i suppose love's roses 
pose the greatest 
between how we bloom 
and how we care 
to guard how we grow 

some lessons are blessings 
taking longer than others 
to reveal themselves 
mothers always know 
to lens us feel 
even if too they're 
a neurodivergent angel 
who sews buttons 
and things onto what life 
is meant to be held 
and sung as 

in a poem 
we marvel how 
movement clings 
to our soul aglow 
this poem dances too 
into your eyes  
loam waiting to 
warm daylight
where we marvel how 
morning sun gets caught 
in your raven hair 

EJR ©  

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