April 14, 2021

stella dryad by starlight... #NaPoWriMo Day 14

William Mortensen 'A Romany maid' 1935

every Spring 
i am seed inside 
her belly womb cloud 
to ground clover rain 

she whispers 
the beneath of things 
little parasols 
smiles that find 
where bright mushrooms hide 
she makes me laugh 
cheek bones climbing 
i bow to every plant she does 
when she isn't looking 
in me a poet goes  
what kind of shoes 
does she wear 
what are her poem scents 
her map less compass 

what is wear 
she says, pouring herself 
palms to sky and leaves 
can we find fining ourselves 
grape vines and old trees 
can we become these places 
that eat death 
squeeze sugar 
from a reach of dreams 
distilling wants and needs 
to a quaff touch 
can we become honey 
and decay, all 
the sweet milks between 
evening and daylight 
can we be a buried past 
and an old man 
born again a babe 

what are we 
when loved 
she asks 
do our lips stain 
each other in a smile 
does the soul 
turn towards morning 
when ridden so 
of course they do darling 
of course they do 
now kiss me

EJR © 

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