April 15, 2021

if madness were a clock: wanting your blue hour music... #NaPoWriMo Day 15

to awaken 
as you belly sleep 
smiling, some wanting to be 
last night rolling grapes down your spine 
eating them in the small of your back 

carved by your remarks 
last night wishing wise 
envelope and vise 
i admire what supple quiet 
lovely being is 

here you said 
timeless regard 
wears me, night 
and the daylight 
calling another turn 
bending a kiss 
each rib, 
each breath, 
each heave and exhale 

before you stir 
i go slow tiger lily 
watching what sides of roads 
will do when you pass on by 
much like birds and insects 
in morning carpet dew 
there in certainty in mind 
unfurl and nothing more 
best we grab hold what we feel 
without having to 
savor sown seeds within 
geometries, spirit, bones and flesh 
what tenders our ferocity 
to love from within 

the soul holds our hopes 
and if it isn't often enough 
in the daylight, inside falsetto modernity 
we can surrender to the dark inside us 
though we'd have to pray peace and awareness 
wearing us thin enough not to have to 
see anything to feel what is 

we all want being loved 
up high and between 
howls, growls and laughter 
we conceive what is 
reach magic 
humane beings 
so very blessed 
to be born 
a timeless regard

EJR © 

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