April 2, 2020

woaming glalk talk poem-ing ............................................................... #NaPoWriMo Day 2

photo by EJR ©

peebles island 
where the hudson 
and mohawk twine  
is one of those 
little slakes 
of shale, iron and clay 
making a stand 
against the rain 
for the sea 
this place 
pace less, follows 
the cries of bones 
into ghosts, antiquity 

eye like to drive there at sun setting 
getting to see the white tails bobbing 
prance-fully between trees 
eye watch, keeping distance and wind enough 
away so as to not spook them 
and for a few brief moments 
time stops 
as the daylight 
leaves further still 
hinted at haunted cool air 
pilfering its remains 

every time i come here 
i end up racing against 
its gate closing for the night 
and worrying about having 
to leave my car there 
in the lot overnight 
then walking the lonely little allure 
of shame and excitement 
past where in the guardhouse, dark 
a clipboard hangs 
assuredly, my license plate 
written down, recorded 
for posterity 
or notoriety 
the trees and the deer 
don't seem to mind 
nor do i



  1. You got me at "...little slakes
    of shale, iron and clay
    making a stand
    against the rain" and now you're stuck with me. So there. Will follow.


Hello there ...