April 3, 2020

maturity bluffs, old enough to lime rum and coconuts .............................................. #NaPoWriMo Day 3

photo by EJR ©

when spring whelps me, a calf 
sometimes eye have a half a 
throttle-bottle wean 
my world, a diorama-ed 
drama-ed spleen, a glean careen 
those roped thoughts taut 
taking shiny things 
as if always meant to be a crow 

tucked black wings, midnight's roost 
stuck in early morning rain 
each time winter leaves 
the old man turns 
a plaintiff mother wail 
separate peaces, fences between seasons 
reasons seem to blend with age 
troubadors and griots like gil-scott heron and 
bob dylan sing that walls tease, faulty circuitry 
leaving memory to explain, paint the pain sometimes 
why it is eye take to wanting, these crossroads 
and boss loads of responsibility 
any ability my knees 
bent in prayer can bring to table 
tourniquet to turn whet blades above grey skies, full of 
indecision in ten zions incise 
precise enough lathing elision 
my little bits, bitten with, sunshine please 

lips to fingers 
time tides me, binds me imperceptibly
again and again, a gain of moments 
i hold dearly, for life and love 
each door swung open, artemis 
wolf flow meant not to be still, stilled or swilled 
no momentary perspectives nor spills 
but rather reflections slid, hid from fledgling digs 
into anger from the toybox at adulthood, an art of the fist 
artifice wist, any art of this 
starting to wish 
heart of bliss 
none that list what is 
it actually means 
how can it be 
or would it be 
more to me  
than each exhale 
every kiss, 
what if 



  1. oooooo! "a diorama-ed drama-ed spleen, a glean careen ... again and again, a gain of moments ...hid from fledgling digs" . Slump and sigh! Wowsa.

    1. Blessings for remarking so ... twas almost more, a trusting the inner, music than writing a poem ... glad you found enjoyment!

  2. What a flow of consciousness! Wonderful!


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