April 25, 2020

#GloPoWriMo #NaPoWriMo Day 25 ................................. flog relative to the pursuit of golf

flog relative to the pursuit of golf 

my 5 wood went awry 
a high flying push slice 
nearing banana shape 
my ball scurried 
a bending bullet beneath these 
two eagles perched 
in a bare limb-ed tree 

they were paying no mind to me 
high above, but there was one 
with minion vermin 
talon-ed nicely trophy-ed 
a one eye to me, and it 
starts to soliloquy 

" if i may please say so, 
these tasty rodents beeeasy pickings 
lickingly we loves them, 
squirrels are often preoccupied 
and this one had its go of luck run out " 

i walked over 
far from where i was supposed to be
and off they went, an aerie and eaglets waiting 
the one with clutched prey, the other sweeping low 
on its six, a few grackels, robins and wrens scatter 
to the nearby thick pines 

and as those two eagles flew across the fairway 
i stood there for a moment to soak all this in 
telling myself, remember these scent warm billows 
the sudden stillness, the caught picturing 
myself picturing this picture 
beneath the trees 
a sunny spring day as it neared noon 
a high blue sky after a cool morn 
falling in love with how 
time is a tourniquet 
an unrelenting angel 
turning itself into poems 
and we just color 
each one 
outside inside 
lines or none 
with all our senses 
imagining this time 
this is where 
our wings must be 

EJR © 

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