April 30, 2018

the throwaway generation ... #NaPoWriMo2018 Day 30

<after the 60's, the decade of dead leaders 
everything became clouded, motivations 
weren't as clearly discernible> 

we were the throwaway generation 
put in front of televisions 
and let into public pools 
schools were our formative factories 
the settings of our please and pleas 
we became breed knees, needs 
we bleed for Life 
this certainty 
is our absolution 
of physical self 
our body of bones 
blood and flesh 
the spirit is almost always, thought 
and as such delves into smells 
we taste things, best 
as we long view 
what the crows leaves 
for the Sun and time 

we were vaccinated 
elated when achieving 
or just getting the gifting 
of course as most children 
post op war womb-ed 
we wanted 
more and more 
until we only woke up 
broke from breaking 
and aware we were 
not nearly woke enough 
to be taking the care that 
we should have 

the plagues came anyway 
first affluenza and its insidious offspring 
of classification, status and recovery patterns 
then the real viral loads began 
the culling spikes 
birds falling from skies 
fish washing onto shores 
rivers became muddy angels 
an augered angry assortment 
of look how fucked humans 
are again to the downright 
dismissive of most bi-peds 
winged and other flying creatures 
roaming the spaces between 
night and day

we used to tell stories 
around fires to ward the mind 
of these things 
things that steal us 
from imagination 
from moments 
that keep us whole 
now, having thrown away 
so much of who we are 
we no longer knew, who we were 
so we hunted for warmth, 
in every face we encountered 
we hoped to mimic 
what made 
a story smile 
without reason 
once ago 
when human(e) 
we hoped 
we hoped 
we hoped 
we hoped 
a better poem
a better poem 
a bet her 

goodbye April 
you were indeed 
a rainy mess 

EJR © 

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