April 21, 2018

she serenaded me with panties (poem key sweet milk) ... #NaPoWriMo2018 Day 21

aware we wear thin 
sometimes these sleeves 
of dreams, bare armed 
shared dared soft 
and inviting 
between us 

the tongue 
is a muscle 
kind and mind 
the finding of(s) 
what ails 
and fells 
our tails 
and tells 
when it rains 
oh yes, when it rains 
her blessings 
begin, and I 
eye am a slow thirsty 
reach, cupped palms 
bent knees I speak 
this poem language 
our bodies splashing  
painting trailing light 
spilling passing walls 
shadows falling away 
we are angled 
angels alluring 
assuring, moving 
mass to ass an us 
note after note 
stacked studied distilled 
a potent portent thus life : 
this blood, breath 
and bones 
between us 

the exit music 
was all muffled laughter 
inside a slow winch of a smile 
held near burst 

"...the sideboard has food 
should you need to replenish 
your energy reserves darling..." 

checking‌ quickly  
looking around the room 
was there 
a camera crew  
filming this 
televised consumption 
assumption being 
that this was imaginary 
or some sundry late night peep show 
or even the end of another poem 
as April nears Beltane 
and poets hang horny 
and for sale signs 
here where things like 
little yellow stars 
fade into the blue 
like me into you 
as the credits 
keep on rolling 
and we wait 
breathless almost
as if another scene 
we were about to be in 
was being made 
between us 


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