April 30, 2016

Artemis in the doorway .......................................................................#NaPoWriMo2016

photographer unknown

do I ever
not note 
I know 
love lurks 
to burn 
you're to 
be found 
and be us 
and with us 
a feather 
or stone 
in a vacuum 
we all 
fall down 
for you 
ashes, ashes 

EJR © 


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  2. Just picking up your melody ... I'll leave the rhythm to nose ... yes to note how rote we've become ... never boring spilling jacks and rubber balls from our pockets ... what were we doing in summer school ... distractions gain traction as we grow into adulthood ... I remembered every corny graffiti penned on the back of your chair ... I swear I stared into more fantasies with the scent of your hair propelling me further than I had ever been before ...

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