April 25, 2016

a cold pressed virgin phrenology .......................................................................#NaPoWriMo2016

art by Amandine Van Ray ©

talked turned to juniper berries and tonics made from these 
seeds carried unknowingly from the blue light systems deep 
inside the galaxy ... rush sector and sorts there was no depot to
assimilate into the passing forms one might need but these 
juniper berries made the best gin ... so bones be damned, flesh
was need for calming agents ... I skin sagged taut words to 
herd feigned sensory disorder ... 

though one must know 
how to succeed 
in bleeding an almost 
to the point of death 
each time one falls in love ... 
this cardinal ordinance is 
a universal application 
no matter when 
you became aware 
of a self... 

instantaneously vine-d ivy 
climbs along every house 
you've ever 
lived in 
water spills ways corner rejoices 
while patter sounds the rain ... 

it would be hours in Jupiter time 
before the next portal door would be ready ... 
so I made up stories about these olives 
harvested in southern Italy during Winter ... 

each one, a life of frail assured 
with the blessing of free will ... 
oil for blood, seed for heart, 
skin snap then amateur surgery 
theft of bones and secreted parts  
ritual lungs, kidneys and livers sold first ... 

they say being drunk 
in cryo-light-jump-travel 
is not recommended ... 
but I've had worst things 
to wake up to besides thawing vomit ... 

so I drink away 
and steady my hands 
the best I can, 
the way a black hole 
cans sunshine 
is corner calling me ... 
with tales of read fortunes too 
Befana and the Lorelei, 
are playing skulls by 
lit fires at the sea ... 
and I'm all night cap 
and hair shirt 
throwing open 
window sashes
leaning out 
to watch 
the proclivity wheel 
spin and nod 
or not ...


1 comment:

  1. I've read this one a few times already and am pretty nuts over it. I couldn't begin to pick a favorite section; it's all so good. Although, I did especially love the phrase "juniper berries."


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