May 11, 2015

la lucentezza di conquista , la fame di più...

Satyr and nymph, mosaic from Pompeii, House of the Faun

la lucentezza di conquista , la fame di più

per i romani ei tedeschi,
la vostra appetiti
per l'organizzazione militare
in tutto corso della storia 
è un lungo in corso poema, anzi !


this poem
takes me to you
in a place after
when the land of black eagles
and red wolves in the middle
of the twentieth century anno domini
ceased with the churning combustibility,
projectile volatility and futile attempts
at conquering in cold blooded savagery

this poem
takes me to you
in our place here after
when the land of black eagles
and red wolves in the middle
of the twentieth century anno domini
sought a more stable fiduciary
and made for TV killing means...

the east plundered
the stolen art and gold
while the west took minions,
minutia, methodologies
and relevant
to their market share
tiny seeds of fascism...

and by now this modernity
is all we see
it is remnant echo boom
and bust cycled mania
pop culture's spread
of beauty into low art forms
by now, we are mostly conceived
as rolling stone song lyrics
too many of us
can still be construed
in some way
as being under
someone else's thumb
crumb licking
boot savant
and greedily
dialing ourselves inside
the red doors with black paint 
and mother's little helpers...

I used to like circuses
now I only like freak shows
and pied piper spontaneity
I used to like playing army...
now I am mindfully silent
when smiling to evoke
in a stranger's eyes
a weapon-ized surrender love...

and while, it is not customary
to lock looks with another
one doesn't know, you proved otherwise
I cared not sanity perceived
as much as tickling dead parts
been told this can be received
as disconcerting and rude
by I’ll take my chances
with advances toward you...

and you can call me
a nosy idiot poet then
because I am diving into
the where and why
of your soul
wearing curtains too...


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