April 27, 2015

#NaPoWriMo 2015 no.27

'The Storm', Pierre Auguste Cot 1880

yes, I'm always an idiot when I want to be...

adulterated wave mechanical(s)
I am my life 
in particle rays 
scattered in thoughts...

I may chase rainbows
but I prefer the beat 
of thunder and rain...

I bought into entryways 
all the time time Timetime time time
all time is irrelevant 
sated with now 
when I believe
something inside me 
can indeed
even if for 
a thought-flutter-briefest of moment 
transcend my temporary form...

my bones, soul, will, flesh, 
skin and the beckoning(s), 
my moments when 
I needn't reason 
wide angled 
approaching yet to be(s) 
in scenarios 
played out
inside me
of breathing 
in my infinity's rhythm...

so I'm
paying attention 
journey fare(d) 
I continued
to listen, 
bob weave moving: 

membrane bounce gelatin 
sub woofer jiggle hangs 
take the plasma auto-strada 
go get the stashed away(s) 
and freely given(s) 
the graffiti is greedy 
for rusty clothes...

my attitude is punk 
I'm sometimes wise 
I don't really care 
as much as you might
want me to
I'm a patented 
label tapped clawing 
of my soul's paper lions
and I am into 
the 1880's...


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