April 16, 2016

walking Tortola (we did have a honeymoon once) .................................................................................#NaPoWriMo2016

the setting Sun at
Jug Handle State Natural Preserve, CA

I knew then 
when a wizened 
rice peddler 
told us that fable 
I was the grasshopper 
she was the ant 
and we would not 
be able to stay 

so as the sun begins to set 
it is getting colder yet 
with each successive wave 
quiet steps bless themselves/ 

our nostrils flare the wind  
who knew what when 
is the game we played ... 

but it was all the same once 
true hunger got a hold of us/ 

in the beginning 
as most things unfurl  
conversation was 
the bus driver 
we scattered ashes 
recent pasts 
across the great 
expanse of nation 
we have going West 
to the Pacific 
the driver was 
the only thing 
we could see 
and after we 
dropped coins 
in the box 
he motioned us 
away to a seat 
somewhere in the dark ... 

he began to speak 
we walked to his beat 
the road is seedless, kids 
no matter how you pie 
the slice of life given  
light comes only to you
from the inside/ 

and please remember 
in this life 
and in most times 
the hoppers have 
always sought fun 
while the ants have 
always picked up 
the pieces ...

EJR © 

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