(a Hansel and Gretel syndrom-ic musical theater poem)
we hid out at an off main street cafe until the courier phoned us
with coordinates to an abandoned hut it was betel nut quid she
slid five palm wraps into our possession, we quickly stole away
into the night laughing with the smiles of mystery and
curtained eons being lifted painting-ly onto our faces
every thing seemed possible the early tuft village-d grasses
pre-soaked with wanting morning's dew and flitting birds wing
tucked eager to taste the insect bramble rising
from the warming loam/skin and knowing crows
will fly overhead into the top reaches
of the maple blossom-ed trees
to caw the light warming
their silk black feathers
when exploring areas inside you that you've been blind to, there
is a desire to see through it with just one leap into where faith
grows churches but we knew better and brought with us knees
and pads and little parachutes because repeating
this ritual made us more human than formless energy
how did we race about divergent paths to become the rasp of
wrath and impatience...aliens you said, it is the
intelligence of weaving the jumps through hoops of fire that
gave us all the courage, hearts and brains we needed to become
the ghosts that bleed and seed and soon our hearts were racing
and the little voices in our heads sped long fast into past
present and futures told...you ran wildly away into the dark, I
followed, watching you pluck stars from a night sky as I listened
to you exclaim..."I'm pinching the tombstones...I'm pinching
the tombstones..."
we awoke somewhere, we were in the middle of nothing, what
was this place...everything was cloaked in milky gauze grey, was
this something constructed from memory or something else
entirely but it didn't matter for we were hungry and had been
apparently for days, for we set out on a Wednesday and
according to our phones it was now Tuesday with the effects of
the psycho-active(s) completely wore off...
we stumbled back into town wearing the forest in scent and
deed, my clothes and skin, torn and frayed, were covered in pine
sap...you were laughing said I pissed myself on Sunday night
after falling asleep and I was too malodorous to bed next to so
you took a bleeding pine branch and rubbed it vigorously over
me to clean the air so to speak and besides you say as we go
back to the cafe with a need now for water worn in our
eyes...that I muffled this little scream in my sleep
repeatedly..."satyr-ical satyr-ical the world and its satyr-ical sense
has gone missing from itself... I must have looked at you
with astonishment because you then asked,
"care to drink in more of where this poem rests?",
nodding-ly I say "yes"...
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