May 11, 2013

coloring the grey matters...

beautiful rendered building, I presume, is not in America, artist unknown

catching amnesia dreams in the rain

I stood as if in a depot
shuffling feet and leans
there was a train outside
its scent was reaching in

it was a warm rafted
May afternoon
the old river valley trees
were fully leaved

this string section bleed
was clouds to knees
was music made into
rustles and whistles

there were occasional
spray finger charms
sharp clothed wind
stretching membranes

curling in the purse
exhale of what draws in
each memory
coming back again



  1. This is as soft and cool as a river breeze in the sycamores. My head fell back, in the reading of it.

  2. cool rather cascade of kinda goes here and there ina very cool way...what awesome street art as well...


Hello there ...