April 30, 2021

where to find yourself, someone in love............. #NaPoWriMo Day 30

where to find yourself, someone in love 

find a poet
find your never shy words
what are you 
or may be 
in a moment
in a series of them
in chances taken 
in the looks 
ahead and back
in someone's sculpted 
spun wheel clay hands 

real eyes realize 
why Hope lives 
to be loved 
as art does 
a poem 
a dance 
a piece of ribbon 
caught in a breeze 
the stillness of a bird 
perched atop a tree 
wading the possible pants we wear 
what does tactile crawling say 
when we listen 
for what sings 
to us 
every way 
to outside 
why light rides 
every night  
to be wished upon 
starlight falling into us 

knowledge too has a scent 
we descend into 
wondering wandering 
we find the places 
we left 
to our devices 
our vices and vises 
our roses 
we plucked petals from 
our slow thorn singing 
our throne-ing the scratches 
we said look 
mad and map less 
yeah, the roses 
our smell of vision 
our, are we muddy enough 
our, oh look darling 
where we went 
pulling poem thin air 
daring wearing what words did when slid 
hid to pied piped mountains 
waiting worn shorn rain over eons 
oceans eating every word 
every conversation 
every mountain 
we ever were or 
leaned into 
beneath trees 
atop their hair 
wishing to be birds  

we dare this breath 
more than Life 
could ever be held as what is 
a breathless 
moment of discovery 
wordless poems too 
ether meld, a spell or two 
gifted magic meaning 
a fleeting sense 
of immortality 
we often remember 
how precious 
we are when scented with rain 
when we find ourselves 
somewhere we hadn't expected to 
be on the other side of 

EJR © 

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