April 17, 2020

#GloPoWriMo #NaPoWriMo Day 17 ................................ the number you have dialed is no longer in service

photo by Linnaea Mallette ©

we had a bank of old New York Bell phone booths at my high school 
they were the kind with folding doors 
and enamel over metal rotary dials before 
going the push button chromed out look 
we last remember them as, perhaps ... 

these were quick change mood artistry 
a before the internet private room  
womb to tomb luxury 
a prescient portal tube 
from which all 
could possibly be, would be 
heavily lubed 
with meaning stripped 
from filling up 
with communication 
and immediacy 

the future 
was not odd 
nor even 
to be 
art work 
night clocks 
baking and 
simmer pots 

what have you gots for me 
i hear my selfish sentient speak to me 
guttural crawl alley coal sludge red clay oil mixed in 
the places outside reality 
bits of bitten into 
what, where why i hid 
myself from myself 
when memory fled 

who you do call 
when no one is listening 
all depends on what operator 
you connect with, dialed in 
finger to the hole you go bottoming out with 
what stops you from bleeding out 
flooding life, what your heart feels 
over topped with turning 
ever turning towards morning 
you hope 
tea with Pandora 
a conversation 
with perception 
with a friend 
even if for just 
a moment or two 
a voice on the other side 
any side away from where wear wears you thin enough 
to see through 
a voice on the other side 
another Earth mother 
saying "what city please" 
comforting tone 
you parse 
the one second pause after 
into a milliard infinities 
all the places you can wire 
what thoughts, words 
can and do carry you 
round the world 
a sound transmission 
a wave function 
how you hear 
how the wind 
still smells of you  
all the names 
you gave yourself 


1 comment:

  1. "who do you call
    when no one is listening"
    Good question -- excellent poem


Hello there ...