May 12, 2016

modern witches and poets .......................................................................

photo by Edward Rinaldi

if I could 
I would surrender 
here to all these 
rural to urban 
mother forest 
human nature-ers ...

and by proxy 
and proximity 
to their ley lined 
circadian ritual adherence 
I find myself looking 
into the fires to see if 
there is a noticeable 
wobble and sway 
and of course there is ... 

it gives me names 
to get, orbit and rest 
guest and gesticulation 
poem and process 
activation, actualize 
invocation, I
kink measure 
my divine 
scents and 
map the paths 
of their linger(s) ...

which is fine 
and just as well 
they lead me 
to here 
because I 
want to know 
what's beneath 
the surface 
of the way 
these witches 
will look at 
and smell 
things beneath 
their deep pools 
of gather rain 
and the laughter 
they explain things with 
on their painted skin 
in their silent poems ...



  1. Man, Man! I love the title and everything in this poem is absolutely brilliant!
    You have a surrealism of imagination, which I love very much.

    I knew the very first time I read your work, I would come back again to your page and read more. And here I am. Love what you wrote and I am going to stop by more often. You should too as well. :)


Hello there ...