March 4, 2013

ham hock HAL 9000...

riding the bull to Kubrick's old mining town

I turn to the ghosts inside suburbia
in a three story office building
converted into apartments
I am at the third floor look-out
near a table and chair
where weapons are checked
and fevers are scanned
most of the flesh eaters look normal
upon entering buildings at night
but they soon turn agitated and fidgety
when exposed to wide spectrum light
they show themselves to be hungry
thirsting human blood not cured by vampirism
though it is rumored eastern Europe
tried exposing all of this
knowledge of this activity
has been stricken 
from historical records

interstellar space as opposed
to the inner workings
of the human mind
can be seen much the same way
we parse molecules into atoms
and further empirical thought
into smaller and smaller infinities

someone sneezes and I reach
for a zinc laden spray
I say a prayer and hope to find
the most Mithraic of feelings
I can still cling to
something I can believe
will rise to the occasion
of my needs
despite knowing a lie
often strengthens my resolve
to know what Love is
I suspect my humanity is
part of some great valve system
of pressure registration machinery
and that when I let loose
a page a day in gyrations
gravity is just shape attraction and
I am merely a vestige of starvation
searching ever searching
for a purpose to time



  1. interstellar space as opposed
    to the inner workings
    of the human mind
    can be seen much the same way
    we parse molecules into atoms
    and further empirical thought
    into smaller and smaller infinities

    nice...that middles stanza was compelling to me...the parsing down of the molecules like thoughts to me....the smaller infinities as well...there is an intelligent contrast in that...

    1. I often look up at the stars and see their dead light and wonder, what living things have they seen...thank you for reading Brian...Edward

  2. Intimidation, paranoia, insignificance... they make you feel all of that, don't they...?

    1. Nice...I have always felt the temporary temple of the body has some ancient permanence inside it and that I may never find passage to the comment..thank you...Edward

  3. It is all evolving. What it is tomorrow will be different from what it is today. It is the mystery resisting the answers and the mystery always survives . . . will always survive.

    It is for you to wonder " a page a day in gyrations . . ." Purpose fulfilled.

    There is intrigue in your piece and color in your imagination.


  4. Wow...this builds from supernatural horror to the is a pondering write...mental intrigue.

    1. Much love and appreciation for stopping on by to read...Edward


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